New Era Learning Hustler's University 2.0

You may have recently noticed a change with Hustler's University 2.0 with Andrew Tae. You should now see a new logo New Era Learning that looks like this.

I do believe this logo resemble's Tate in many ways. You have the white rabbit which is if you have watched the Matrix "The white rabbit" in which you should also be familiar with "down the rabbit hole" the rabbit hole represents a transition one from world to another.

So many people call Cobra Tate Morpheus because he wakes people up. Then you have the crown on top of the A which I assume is a resemblence of his chess background and could also combine with his previous title King Cobra from his kickboxing career. The crown also gives a symbol of power and strength and so many other strong willed characteristics as you would expect a crown to and that too resembles Cobra Tate and his empire.

As a member of Hustler's University 2.0 it is a very fast evolving community which is forver up to date with the world and it has become clear that Hustler's University 2.0 is having some changes made New Era Learning with Cobra Tate and his hand picked professors seems to be something in the pipe line.

New Ear Learning so far is the new payment gateway for signing up. Upon checking out this is the payment provider that you will see. In additon to this there is also a new site being created as we speak to possibiliy annouce that New Era Learning is either going to replace Hutler's University 2.0 which I would be surprised if it did as Hustler's University 2.0 is well established or run along side it. 

Who knows everyone inside is being constantly udpated on the progress of New Era Learning and Hustler's University 2.0.

New Era Learning - Hustler's University 2.0 with Cobra Tate and his Hand Picked Professor's.

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