There is unlimited layers in Tateism. After over a 100 years of studying Tateshinkai there is still no clear end in sight. Everyday is only the beginning. The spell is still awakening. 

As the world evolves this powerful force continues to blossom. A lifesize garden of flowers forever in bloom. Capable of growing even in the darkest of hours. 

You are told the story of the Tiger and the fly, while Cobra Tate meets with his alien arms. While the angels halo glows holding her endless scroll of mermaids, fairys and supermodels destined for a taste of Tateism.

Young boys and grown men glow together in conquest. At war with oneself to climb a higher mountain. You can cry or you can die. A never ending tale of victory. 

Created from the tiniest of ingredients all absorbed from the universe. Do you understand the power within you and the universe. 

The book of spells is opened blooming with recipes surrounded by bountiful ingredients. Will you be awakended by the everlasting Tateshinkai formula.


  1. Hi, TALES OF WUDAN ebook link is broken. Please fix it ASAP!


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